Today is my B'day..
which means .. YES ! I'm 17 years old by now.
deep inside my thought, i wish.. i don't wanna be an adult..
i hate birthday! when i'm 17, i know there's a lot of things which i cannot take as a child anymore. being an adult sucks ):
..and i do hope Peter pan would come around and pick me up to wonderland. x'D
too much fantasy isn't good, is it?
but let's thank God for this year, for another wonderful year,
for friends, families and 'him', who loved and cared me more and more, more than my love and care for them.
thank you God for granting me my hopes. i'm so grateful for this year too (:
anyway i just realized, Kaito-kun, Me and John's bday is in a row x'D
[Kaito was in 5, me 6 and John's 7] and Kira onii-san is in 8
Theh.. what a wonderful coincidence, neh?
Psst . this years best wishes is taken by Eunike and Kita-kun :p
when i told her i'm going to show her bday wish to my friends, and claim her as my 'fake' boyfriend, she sent me too much cheesy-ness in her message[s] lol x'D
after this, we should stop making drama, i think =___= [we're just acting, coz we love to deceive ppl.. lawlz]
and Kita-kun got the best poem ever.. Nyah! >///<
.. gotta go, bloggie! its teh time for a hot, long morning bath x'DD
yahuuuuuuu ! i'm 17 years old right now!
noone will ever call me a 'child' or 'shortie' anymore!
-glomps and hugs Chocobii like crazy- x'D
cyah bloggie C:
eh, before i go .. here's my letter to my beloved papa.. ^^
Thanks for another year, another birthday. Thank you for filling me with good things!
Thank you also for family and friends who have been so generous to me. Bless them a hundredfold. You’ve given me everything I need, things I didn’t expect, and things that I’m sure would be of great use to me in the future.
Thank you, Lord! You knew exactly what I would need from morning till evening and you provided everything in abundance. Thank you, Father. God, I believe that you have a great plan for my future. I believe that you will prosper me. I believe that you will make me strong for each task that’s up ahead. It is my utmost pleasure to serve you and be used by you. There is no greater joy for me than to serve my Dad and King in his kingdom.
Help me understand you more fully! Help me to love your teachings more and more every day. I will continue to wait on you, seek your face, and open my heart to your next leading. You know my needs as a human being, and I will trust in you to provide everything at just the right time. Thank you for the opportunities you gave for my faith to be strengthened, for my hopes to be renewed, for my dreams to be rekindled, and for my heart to bow down to you in desperation. Because through each of those seasons you showed me your faithfulness, and today I am more amazed by you than ever. I am truly amazed! And there is still more to come!
I am filled with your joy and nobody can rob me of that joy! Thank you for loving me. That sums up everything.
i love you! xoxo (:
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